latest news...

Long time no update

Saturday, 20 January 2024

It has been a very, very long time since our website has seen any new content. We can however assure you we are still very much "alive and kicking". In summary our sound recording and editing work has pushed updating the website far into the background. And as with many things in life, the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to get started.


Although we can't make any promises, hopefully there will be several blog updates inbound in 2024.


As a short news item we would hereby like to mention a true highlight of last year; recording Avro Vulcan B.2 XM655. We never dreamed of standing face-to-face with one of the most impressive aviation icons of the cold war era. All made possible by the heroes of 655 MaPS. The video below provided by our friends at JustFlight shows a look behind the scenes.

The Vulcan was the loudest aircraft we recorded so far at reaching over 130 dBs behind the aircraft at higher power settings. Even at idle power the Olympus 301 shakes the ground beneath you, truly an experience like no other.


More news at a later date... in the meantime you can already enjoy the Vulcan sounds in MSFS yourself by purchasing the add-on here.

a journey into sound

Hello and welcome to the home of SimAcoustics on the internet! At SimAcoustics we're all about quality audio. We design and build sound environments for modern flight simulation software and specialize in recreating authentic engine sounds. Have a look around our website and let us take you on a journey into sound...


Audio Editing Table


Our sound environments aim to provide the best possible audio experience. For us this means we focus on quality above all else.


We use high sample rate recordings in all our works. During editing and production, samples are continuously scrutinized for unwanted anomalies.


And no sound package leaves the hangar without a proper test flight!

Aircraft Hand Sunset


"Remember that impressive takeoff that shook the ground? And what about that incredibly noisy helicopter ride from last year?"


We want to enable that kind of immersion through our sound environments.



With every release, we strive to meet or exceed the current "state-of-the-art". We continuously improve the accuracy of the sound model for the engine type at hand and seek to add novelty sound effects.


In addition, we also make sure we're using the latest technology available to develop our sound packages.


Have any specific wishes? Let us know!

SELECTED Customers


Born out of passion for aircraft engine noise, SimAcoustics was established in 2019 to cater to the needs of add-on developers for modern flight simulator software such as Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D and X-Plane. In 2020 we added ready made sound packages for end-users to our portfolio.


No matter the scenario, our goal is to immerse the end-user through highly authentic sound environments that push the limits of the respective sound system.


Want to have a listen? Check out our channel on YouTube!